Our UP! Grocers

Our team of UP! grocers

Find all our UP! grocers below, and choose the one that suits you best

Cureghem neighborhood (Anderlecht)

Le coin oriental

des Vétérinaires” 14 street, 1070 Anderlecht, 1070 Anderlecht

Quiet and discreet by nature, Abdel is the new manager of “Le coin oriental” grocery store, located in the heart of Cureghem.
This grocery store, created by Said, has existed in the neighborhood for over 20 years.

When Abdel took over the business, local residents asked him to continue offering products from the Montaval farm. As a result, the UP! Lokal display with fruit and vegetables from Ferme du Montaval, organic eggs, Walloon honey, fruit juices and a few bulk organic dried products.

Eleveur-Boucherie “Chez Hmida”

Brogniez 133 street, 1070 Anderlecht

This is Mouss, manager of the butcher’s shop “L’éleveur boucher – Chez Hmida”, established in the neighborhood since 1976 and named after Mouss’s father.
Initially run by his father, Mouss then took over the butchery with his 2 brothers, Ismaïl and Abdelah. Mouss offers his customers quality Halal meat, sourced directly from his Dilbeek farm. In addition to his meat, Mouss sells other products, including UP! Lokal products, including bulk organic produce and fresh organic fruit and vegetables from the Montaval farm.

What’s special about Chez Hmida? The 3 brothers really care about their customers and the people living in their neighborhood. Every year during Ramadan, Mouss’s family cooks a free meal every evening for around a hundred needy people, or those who simply want a taste of foreign cuisine – a tradition started by their father, which they have made a point of continuing after his death. These meals are an opportunity to share a convivial moment with local people, a tradition they hold dear.

Fruits, légumes et volaillerie Harcha

Clemenceau 114 avenue, 1070 Anderlecht

This grocer, specializing in fruit, vegetables and meat, offers, like the other UP! partners, vegetables from the Montaval farm and a range of Belgian fruit.

UP! Lokal

Eat healthy and support local farmers and neighbourhood grocers

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