Fair Energy 24: Ta’adoh

We are delighted to announce that the solar electrification project at Ta’a Doh primary and nursery school, supported by the ASBL ‘Les Enfants de Cœur de Mama Anna Massap’ (ECMAM), is part of our Fair Energy 2024 campaign! Located in the village of Bamessingué in Mbouda, this school has 445 pupils and already benefited from a new roof in 2023 thanks to the commitment of the ASBL. Today, the school has to contend with power cuts that disrupt the smooth running of lessons. The aim of this project is to provide stable, sustainable solar energy to improve learning conditions and the daily lives of pupils.

The non-profit organization “Children of the Heart of Mama Anna Massap” (ECMAM) was created with the goal of helping the less fortunate. Particularly from the West, but also from around the world, various people sensitive to the poverty that prevails in Africa in general, and Cameroon in particular, agree to make donations to help schools, orphanages, and healthcare centers. The founders noticed the waste in developed countries and thought that part of this “surplus” could be sent to Africa to be useful to the underprivileged. Carrying out projects periodically could effectively support more targeted structures.

The first action, carried out in 2023, involved the complete renovation of the roof of Ta’a Doh School. The school’s roof had almost collapsed, and it was raining in the classrooms.

Ta’a Doh Primary and Nursery School is located in the West Province of Cameroon, in the village of Bamessingué, Mbouda, a town situated between the capitals of the West and Northwest Provinces. It accommodates 445 students (234 boys and 211 girls) and 10 staff members.

Despite facing significant challenges, the school achieves excellent results, with an overall success rate of 90% and 100% success in official exams such as the CEPE (Primary School Leaving Certificate).

This school currently has no electrical infrastructure. Water supply is generously provided by the neighboring church. The electrical grid in Cameroon, in general, is very unreliable, with frequent outages, even in major cities.

ECMAM wishes to continue its work in support of this school (which was the primary school attended by the association’s founders) by providing access to electricity through solar panels. The solar panels and batteries will power the water pump, the classrooms, and the teachers’ office with lighting. This installation will prepare for the next phase, which will involve setting up equipment for the initiation to computer science and the internet.

Ideally, we need 5 025€ to carry out the solar electrification of the ta’a doh school, which requires a total investment of 10 050€. Thanks to Fondation Synergie renouvelable , each donation will be doubled, maximizing the impact of your generosity. A basic installation can be installed from €5 500 for this, so we need a minimum of €2 750 support.

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