The Nyong farm was initiated by the Brussels diaspora 9 years ago and is located in Ayos, Cameroon. In a non-electrified area, the initiators were looking for sustainable and reliable electricity so that they could better preserve and process their crops. This project symbolises the commitment of Urban Product and its partners to advancing sustainable electrification and encouraging local projects with a strong societal impact.
Thanks to a fundraising campaign carried out in the spring of 2024, the project was financed in a collaborative manner: 25% of the total investment came from this fundraising, which was carried out on the growfunding website, 50% was generously financed by the Synergie Renouvelable Foundation, and the remaining 25% was paid for by the project’s beneficiaries.

In support of this project, Mr Beko, the project leader, organised a fund-raising meal at the Cameroonian restaurant ‘Le Punjabi’ on 7 March 24, enabling members of the diaspora and donors to get together over a convivial meal while contributing to this initiative. This was an opportunity to discover Cameroonian dishes, the farm project and the project leaders.
The project was finalised in November 2024 and was officially inaugurated at the launch of the Fair Energy 24 campaign, held on 5 November at the King Baudouin Foundation. This landmark event symbolises the commitment of Urban Product and its partners to advancing sustainable electrification and encouraging local projects with a strong societal impact.
The Fair Energy 24 campaign comprises a total of 8 sustainable projects aimed at electrifying rural communities in Cameroon. Donations play an essential role in the success of these projects. We invite anyone who is interested to contribute to this effort for a greener, more united future by making a donation, which will benefit from a 45% tax deduction for amounts over €40.

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